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Catherine (Cat) Outram

Catherine (Cat) Outram
  • Work
  • Biography
I am drawn to the linear around me. I love the tracery of winter branches against a clear sky, or shapes picked out by sunlight. But it is light especially that moves me; Its quality either in strong contrast to shadows or as soft tonal layers. My work covers mostly: views of the city where I have grown up (Edinburgh), the parks and the buildings; landscape (my first love); flowers - either dried and made up of wonderfull scratchy lines, or fresh and full of colour; and collections of objects - still lives. Recently I have been looking at different ways of adding colour by incorporating collograph and monoprint techniques and have been exploring further the possibilities of deep relief and ‘blind’- printing.
I was born in 1959 in Nairobi, Kenya. My family emigrated to the UK in 1966, settling in Edinburgh. I went to school here, finishing up at the Art College (1977-81) with a BA Honours in Drawing & Painting. After working for a few years, first at Thins Bookshop and then at the Fruitmarket Gallery I was made redundant in 1989. Luckily that made me eligible for the Enterprise Allowance Scheme which I did as a Printmaker, becoming officially professional in 1990.
I have two sons, born 1988 and 1994
I exhibit regularly in small galleries in and around Edinburgh, at Craft Fairs, Charity Exhibitions, Open Exhibitions and at Members Shows at Edinburgh Printmakers, which is where I make my etchings.
