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Adrienne Murray

Adrienne Murray
  • Work
  • Biography
Disconnect is a recurring theme within Adrienne Murray’s work, as she aims to highlight the importance of sensory experience as being part of a poetry which can only be perceived through an awareness of the body’s relationship with space. Working with sculpture, sound, and drawing, she forms connections by balancing ephemeral and tangible materials. In the age of the digital, Adrienne questions how we experience the space in-between immaterial forces and the tactile within everyday life.

2020 - 2024, BA (Hons) in Contemporary Art Practice, 1st Class, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen

Group Exhibitions:

2023, 'Fragments', Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen

2023, 'Fog', Look Again Project Space, Aberdeen

2023, Radiophrenia, Radio Broadcast, Glasgow

2024, Degree Show, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen


2022, Caram Trust Award

2024, Royal Scottish Academy New Contemporaries 2024

2024, Visual Arts Scotland Graduate Showcase Award Shortlisted Artist
'the unspoken, seen'
  • Adrienne Murray
  • 'the unspoken, seen'
  • Ceramics
'the unspoken, seen'
  • Adrienne Murray
  • 'the unspoken, seen'
  • Installation
'the unspoken, seen'
  • Adrienne Murray
  • 'the unspoken, seen'
  • Printmaking