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Betsey Kilpatrick

Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Work
  • Biography
I see my paintings as visualizations; and a collection of intuitive drives that exist in a state of constant emergence. My paintings contemplate the harmonious dance between emptiness and form. I am particularly interested in the paradox that occurs when artworks simultaneously create sensations of movement and stillness.
The age-old and familial sense of a connection with nature is evoked by my paintings. The slight blurring quality, soft tones and natural colours tend to suggest the presence of water or organic forms. Alongside this naturalistic imagery there is a revelation – the glimpse of a moment-of being – which is already changing.
Texture is important for my work. I am curious about the synergy between the image and the process where the painting is entwined within its surface. This reciprocal relationship adds a feeling of wholeness to both my work and practice.
Betsey Kilpatrick was born in Leicester in 1990. She attended Wimbledon College of Art London, 2010-13 and the Royal college of Art London, 2018-20. Based in Edinburgh she teaches at the Drawing School. Exhibited in London at John Moores Painting Prize 2023, ASC Gallery 21fATHOMS 2021, Josh Lilley Gallery RCA Selections 2020, Unit 1 Gallery Workshop Final not over 2020.
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Painting
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Untitled
  • Painting
Light Spiral
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Light Spiral
  • Painting
Eye of the Hurricane
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Eye of the Hurricane
  • Painting
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Betsey Kilpatrick
  • Betsey Kilpatrick