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déirdre ní mhathúna

déirdre ní mhathúna
  • Work
  • Biography
I’m a sculpture graduate, a singer and a Gael making work that spans art genres and disciplines, but is always rooted in my Gaelic culture. This foundation naturally leads to a conversational practice and often sparks a dynamic creative dialogue whether through English, Scottish Gaelic or my native Irish.
I often collaborate with artists of other disciplines. Projects over the years have included arts-in-health and wellbeing, such as young people’s transitions between primary and secondary education or a 26-week programme in a long-stay hospital with people with dementia. Since 2006 and through the vehicle of several collaborative projects, I've been exploring the Caoineadh, a traditional Gaelic practice of mourning which was almost exclusively the domain of women. Following that, my current research is focused on three Scottish Gaelic women poets from the 1400s to the 1800s whose rich style and inspiration show remarkable continuity through very different ages. By its nature, the output of this work is performative and vocal.
The Psalmboat Project/Pròiseact Bàta nan Salm has been a major part of my engaged practice (2007-2022), culminating in “Calman nan Loch/The Dove of Lochs“, the award-winning 30m documentary film (2022) which charts my 15 year collaboration with a very traditional Gaelic-speaking community in the Isle of Lewis. Featuring the Gaelic psalms sung at sea, traditional sailing and a deep dive into cultural and faith history in the Lochs area of the Isle of Lewis, the film illuminates an often hidden world, as perceived through my
selected education:
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (UHI). 2007 – 2020.
MSc. Cultar agus Eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd (Barraichte/Distinction, 2020).
Edinburgh College of Art (eca, University of Edinburgh) 2002 – 2006.
BA(hons) Sculpture, 2006.

selected artistic output:
“Calman nan Loch / The Dove of Lochs” 30m film August 2022.
Duais Ealaíne Cholmcille, Artist Award (Ireland) 2021-22.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/718853441
Audience Award - documentary, Paris Short Film Festival, Sept 2022.
Film-Alba, Bonn, Official Opening, Nov 2023.
“Tairm fo Sgàil” development commission a play for women’s voices. Theatre Gu Leòr, Glasgow, 2021-22.
“A’ Leantainn Slighe nan Salm: mac-talla Cholmcille anns na Lochan” Duais Dìleab Chaluim Chille/Columba Legacy Prize, CHArts Argyll & Isles. https://vimeo.com/560785572 (7min film) June 2021.
‘The Keening Wake’. Researcher-producer/lead artist/performer, Inverness & Edinburgh, 2017- 18.
‘A' sireadh Bàta nan Salm: Grunndachadh à Turais’. Documentary short on Lewis psalmboat journeys, April 2015.
Chan eil ann ach àilleagan / It's nothing but a trinket
  • déirdre ní mhathúna
  • Chan eil ann ach àilleagan / It's nothing but a trinket
  • Assemblage
Guthan nan Sràidean - Sglèat nan Eilean
  • déirdre ní mhathúna
  • Guthan nan Sràidean - Sglèat nan Eilean
  • Artists Books
Bàta nan Salm cartoon
  • déirdre ní mhathúna
  • Bàta nan Salm cartoon
  • Mixed Media
Ciste a' Chaoinidh / The Keening Kist
  • déirdre ní mhathúna
  • Ciste a' Chaoinidh / The Keening Kist
  • Mixed Media