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Erin Daniels

Erin Daniels
  • Work
  • Biography
To stitch; a thread or line that holds things together – this is the literal translation of the ancient Sanskrit word “sutra”. The “Healing Sutras” grew out of years of work examining psychological wounds (mainly my own), their origins and how they insinuate themselves into our lives. I’m particularly intrigued by the concept of inherited wounds, specific patterns, behaviors, reactions, that we are born with – already seeded into our
psyche at birth. So I imagine that this little ”seed” attracts negativity (like attracts like),
sort of a little pearl slowly growing until we end up with a dense area of negative energy built up in our physical bodies. By bringing these dark areas into the light, by making them visible, I think we can heal these wounds. Some people talk through their issues to bring healing, some write them out to shed light on them, and I choose to make them into visible, visceral objects.

The stitching, the meditative process of it, is where I think the real healing lies.

1993 Moore College 0f Art & Design, Philadelphia, PA
BFA Textile Design

1992 Waterlily Weavers, Coldstream, Scotland, UK
Weaver’s Apprentice

Select Exhibition History

“Garden of the Soul” - Solo Exhibit (upcoming)
Moore College of Art & Design, Philadelphia, PA

“Garden of the Soul” - Solo Exhibit
Tatem Gallery, Hood College, Frederick, MD

“Healing Sutras” - Solo Exhibit
Bolivar Gallery, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Stanek Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

“HomeWork” - 2 Woman Exhibition
Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

“Healing Sutras” - Solo Exhibit
Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ

“Healing Sutras” - Solo Exhibit
Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE

“Fiber Options: Material Explorations”
Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD

“Narrative Thread”
Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

“Mending = Art”
Borowsky Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

“Outside/Inside the Box” FiberPhiladelphia 2012
Crane Arts Building, Philadelphia, PA

“Crossing Lines: The Many Faces of Fiber”
Textile Study Group of NY

“9x9x3: New Visions”
Textile Study Group of NY

“Wind Challenge Exhibition” - Solo Exhibit
Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia, PA

Rijswijk Textile Biennial
Museum Rijswijk, Netherlands

“Merge and Flow” - Awarded “Best in Show"
“Confluence” - International Surface Design Association Conference
Minneapolis, MN

“Fiberart International” - Awarded “Best in Show”
Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (traveling to multiple museum venues throughout the US)
Healing Sutra 34
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 34
Healing Sutra 35
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 35
Healing Sutra 36
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 36
Healing Sutra 36 - Detail
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 36 - Detail
Healing Sutra 37
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 37
Healing Sutra 37 - Detail
  • Erin Daniels
  • Healing Sutra 37 - Detail