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Morven Stewart

Morven Stewart
  • Work
  • Biography
Morven spends her days wandering the wild places of Scotland, capturing moments of adventure, shifting light and incoming weather in her sketchbooks.

She thrives on immersing herself into the landscape, camping in her wee green tent or bivvy bag on desolate moors or craggy coastline cliffs. 

Watercolour, ink, graphite and pastels all find a place in her work. Each sketch and painting has a tale of wandering adventure and mishap.
Lochboisdale to Mallaig
  • Morven Stewart
  • Lochboisdale to Mallaig
  • Painting
Scalpay Cottages
  • Morven Stewart
  • Scalpay Cottages
  • Painting
Leverburgh to Bernaray
  • Morven Stewart
  • Leverburgh to Bernaray
  • Painting