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Oliver Reed

Oliver Reed
  • Work
  • Biography
My work explores a phenomenological engagement of walking through mountainous landscapes, exploring a physical and emotional experience through space and time.
Within these space your perceptions can be challenged, as your own physical position and the environmental conditions change from one minute to the next; a space that looked flat one minute, can the look deep at the next, what was once visible, can now suddenly become hidden. The higher you walk the landscape and ecosystems change, your peripheral vision, which was once filled with a range of colours, movements, soft forms and delicate textures are slowly transformed into muted colours, hard forms and textures, stillness and at first, appearing devoid of life.

Within these high mountainous locations, you become aware of your own remoteness to the familiar and every-day, a sense of being exposed too, but reliant upon, the very elements of the environment you are in, of scree slopes, tundra, snow fields and glaciers. As you traverse further into the space your hearing can become heightened, the exposed geology creates a natural amphitheatre, with the sound being amplified and reverberating around the space.

The apparent lack of colour can disorientate, depth and space can become difficult to judge, what may look flat from one angle suddenly metamorphosis’s into having shape and form. What may appear close, may take time to reach, as your proximity to features and sense of scale become augmented, developing a sense of unease and vulnerability. Your emotions, perceptions are constantly being altered and realigned.


2017-18 Solo Show- 'Varieties of Presence', Tweeddale Gallery, Peebles, Scotland.
2016 Visual Arts Scotland, RSA, Edinburgh.
2015 Visual Arts Scotland, RSA, Edinburgh.
2014 ‘Fabric of the Land’, The SMART Gallery, Aberdeen.
2014 ‘Beyond Land’, BP Atrium Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland.
2012 Flat Cat Gallery, Lauder, Scottish Borders.
2012 Coldstream Gallery, Coldstream, Scottish Borders.
2012 Duns, Castle, Scottish Borders
2009 Environmental Sculpture, iPark, Conecticut, USA.
2008 Superficial Intrusions, Hull College of Art & Design.
2008 Art for Rosie’ Open Eye Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2000 Wasps, (Stockbridge Gallery), Edinburgh.
2000 'Point-Counterpoint', EICC, Scotland.

2014 Documentary film by 'Art in Healthcare' part of a series entitled, ‘Artist Uncovered’.
2014 ‘Artist Uncovered’ - An article by Martine Foltier Pugh, ‘Art in Healthcare’.

AIR (artist in residence)
2013 ‘Outlandia’, Glen Nevis, Scotland. (unfinished).
2008 iPark, East Haddam, Connecticut, USA
1998 Cleveland Institute of Art, Ohio, USA.

UAL: Postgraduate Certificate in H.E. in Learning & Teaching.
Borders College: Introduction to Teaching in F.E. Higher National Unit.
Edinburgh College of Art: Master of Fine Arts Degree.
Hull College of Art & Design: BA Hon's Degree, Fine Art.
Leeds College of Art: Foundation Studies Diploma , Art & Design.

Professional Body
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Current Employment
2016 - Course Organsier, Art & Design.
