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Sorin Bath

Sorin Bath
  • Work
  • Biography
I am a multimedia artist from Sheffield, working in Edinburgh, creating motorised sculpture installations that appear to be alive. I currently work with ventilation tubes and wires to create worm-like sculptures that sit between industrial and natural forms, specifically drawing on the weird / monstrous / unhuman.

Industrial everyday objects collected / assembled / mutated / melded - recognisable as manmade objects, but now they shudder / breathe / stretch. What if the sculptures were alive and staring back at you? My practice looks at new materialism’s object vitality, to push for a shift away from the traditional inert and passive artwork, and to step towards an uncanny, pseudo-living artwork.

These worm-cyborg sculptures are motorised, powered by animatronics in order to breathe / twitch / writhe. Walk past - can you feel their exhale? Did they twitch in response? Within parts of the installation-assemblages lie ultrasonic sensors, detecting the proximity of the audience. As the audience unconsciously triggers the sensors, the sculptures become livelier with more frequent sudden twitching and shaking. The unpredictable randomised movement throughout my practice means that a tension remains: does this sculpture move and react? Is it alive and staring back?
ECA Graduate 2024 - BA(Hons) Intermedia [First]

ECA Graduate Show, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh - June 2024
What’s Next?, SaltSpace Gallery, Glasgow - April 2024
Simulation Overload, Guthrie St, Edinburgh - February 2024
Art Crap, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh - October 2022
[Insert Art Here], Zoom (online) - March 2021
cyborg breathes
  • Sorin Bath
  • cyborg breathes
  • Installation
restless cyborgs : an assemblage
  • Sorin Bath
  • restless cyborgs : an assemblage
  • Installation
restless cyborgs : an assemblage (2)
  • Sorin Bath
  • restless cyborgs : an assemblage (2)
  • Installation
Speculative Worm 01
  • Sorin Bath
  • Speculative Worm 01
  • Drawing
Speculative Worm 02
  • Sorin Bath
  • Speculative Worm 02
  • Drawing
  • Sorin Bath
  • cyborgouborous
  • Digital print