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Vlada Popescu

Vlada Popescu
  • Work
  • Biography

My paintings are inspired by the beauty of the present moment and how its simplicity can gain significance when we pay more attention to it. I aim to explore how emotional attachment to moments, places and people can shape our memories of them. I invite the viewer to see the world through my eyes, whilst leaving space for their personal interpretations and emotions.

My interest in light, movement, colour and contrast is crucial to my atmospheric cityscapes. I have a curiosity to unearth the complex stories these scenes hold. The image of an empty street set in a typically busy city suggests the potential loneliness of its inhabitants, with the lights symbolizing human presence.

Despite the isolation and separation present in my figurative scenes, I intend to capture the dreamlike feeling of the often-overlooked mundane aspects of life that shape its beauty. I choose to romanticize them further through my painting process. Oil painting enables me to explore mark making and blending effects useful for rendering the contrast between the detailed clear image of the real world and the abstracted, fragmented scene stored in our visual memory.
2023: "Scottish Prize for Fine Art", The Glasgow Art Club, Glasgow
2023: "Keeping the Bag Rolling", SaltSpace, Glasgow
2023: Degree Show, DJCAD, Dundee
2023: "Demfest" festival, DUSA, Dundee
2023: "Human Connection", group exhibition, DJCAD, Dundee
2023, 2020: "Annual Members’ Show", group exhibition, GeneratorProjects, Dundee
2022: "i tickled the sun", group exhibition at Forgan Art Centre, Dundee
2020: "Martisor in Ajutor", Art Auction, Cluj-Napoca
2019: "Young Art Today" at Centrul de Interes Museum, Cluj-Napoca
2019: "CERC3", group exhibition at La Port cafe, Cluj-Napoca
2019, 2018: "Artform", exhibition-contest, Cluj-Napoca
2018: National Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca
Transient Connections
  • Vlada Popescu
  • Transient Connections
  • Oil
Not Here Nor There
  • Vlada Popescu
  • Not Here Nor There
  • Oil
Humans Being Humans
  • Vlada Popescu
  • Humans Being Humans
  • Oil
While Waiting
  • Vlada Popescu
  • While Waiting
  • Oil
  • Vlada Popescu
  • Together
  • Oil
Life in Motion
  • Vlada Popescu
  • Life in Motion
  • Oil
London at Sunset
  • Vlada Popescu
  • London at Sunset
  • Oil
London at Night
  • Vlada Popescu
  • London at Night
  • Oil